CAPS Toronto

CAPS Toronto is the largest Canadian Chapter of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers, with approximately 150 members.

Meetings are held from September through June, usually on the 2nd Monday of the month.

CAPS Toronto programming falls into three categories:

  1. Afternoon professional development: 3 hour intensive seminars, designed to provide depth in a particular subject area. In 2011, we've started the "Masters in our Midst" series, highlighting some of the amazing speakers at the Toronto Chapter
  2. Evening meeting, "Great Speakers Series" featuring outstanding keynote speakers from outside the GTA, followed by an open networking hour.
  3. Pro-Track speaker academy, aimed at emerging and mid-career speakers, which takes place over four quarterly weekend bootcamps.

All events are open to everyone including non-members.


Current Board of Directors

Members of Distinction


CSP holders

The Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) is the highest earned designation in the world of professional speakers.

Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame

The Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame is composed of individuals who have been recognized for their outstanding excellence as a professional speaker and dedication to the professional speaking industry by educating others to excel. Members are selected by their peers in recognition of their contributions. The following list of Hall of Fame members are all from the CAPS Toronto Chapter.

External links